Tasmanian Blue Gum Eucalyptus Trees 

Common Name: Tasmanian Blue Gum

Scientific Name: Eucalyptus globulus (Southern Blue Gum)

Native to: Tasmania

What does it look like: Eucalypts come in all shapes and sizes, from tall trees to small shrubs. It can be difficult to tell one species from another as many species have similar-looking trunks and leaves. The Tasmanian Blue Gum can grow to a height of 70 metres in ideal conditions! They have primarily smooth bark with some patches of old bark at the bottom of their trunk. This is because Eucalyptus trees shed the outer layer of their bark every year to reveal a smooth new bark. The Tasmanian Blue Gum has small, egg-shaped baby leaves that are blue-grey. These grow to be glossy green adult leaves that are long and curved. They also grow flowers. Tasmanian Blue Gums grow their flowers between May and January, which are white. Eucalypts have oil glands in their leaves, which gives many species their distinctive smell. The Tasmanian Blue Gum mainly grows in woodland and forest in moist valleys.

STEM Fun Fact: Eucalyptus trees are also known as Gum trees and are an important and iconic Australian tree. There are close to 900 species of eucalypts in Australia. Tasmania has 29 native species of Eucalypts.